The most important thing for you to remember, my friend, is that men are highly controllable, like machines. YES!!! You didn’t misread it. You just have to give the right commands to get whatever you want from men. By the way, I didn’t make this up myself. If I did, we wouldn’t have sciences directed to understanding men, like neuroscience, psychology, psychoanalysis, traditional medicine, and so on.
Every outside intervention can be seen as a way to act on and manipulate people. In this case, we are influencing men in a way, and, as in marketing, for instance, even manipulating them to do what we call the “best of both worlds”.
How can science contribute to relationships?
Do you want to learn a technique studied in psychology that is used in enterprises, so that contributors produce more and more in order to raise the profit of the company? Ok, you don’t have a company, but imagine being able to apply the same technique to your relationship, to drive your man crazy (and make him a lot more “productive”).
The name is a bit complicated, but you’ll see how simple the concept is, sweetheart. The name is (ROLL THE DRUMS) Intermittent Reinforcement with a Variable Ratio Schedule (wow!). This technique, my friend, has to do with the fact that:
Behavior starts to be reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses (manifestation).
Keep calm, I’ll explain everything. Be cool.
I’ll give you a few examples first, then I’ll explain the method:
CASE 1 – Let’s imagine a company: A man who works there gets, at the end of the month, the same salary, regardless of production. Some months, he produces more. On others, he produces less. It doesn’t matter. He’s just certain that he’ll get that amount, and that’s it.
CASE 2 – Now, let’s think of someone who receives only for what they produce… Let’s say, for example, a real estate agent (a salesperson).
Now, we’ll compare them to see the difference in productivity. Who do you think will work more, my friend? The first guy (who works in a company) or the second (the freelancer)? Obviously, the second. Isn’t it? Because, since he doesn’t know exactly when he’ll be able to close a deal, he’ll take every chance. Saturdays, Sundays, holidays… Have you ever noticed that these guys never take a day off?
What happens is their mind is always working. They think that a BIG sale may happen at any moment, and they have to be ready. It’s like those slot machine players who overspend thinking that their BIG WIN might happen on the next coin.
This is a terrible state for the mind to get into, because it creates addiction. It learns that suffering, even if it’s for a long time, can be rewarded at any time, in an instant of satisfaction that can bring immediate relief.
Don’t waste your time anymore, baby. I’ll show you how to use this technique in your favor and in a practical way, just like I do in my courses.
What are you waiting for?
Well, let’s think of all this in a concrete setting: Relationships.
Specially at the beginning of the relationship, we tend to “give ourselves away” to a man…
He doesn’t have to call you, because you’ll call him; he sends you a message, and you answer immediately; he pleases you a bit, and you reward him as if he couldn’t wait a minute longer… As if he would give up on you if you made him wait.
These examples, my friend, fit into the first case that I described… He knows that, whether he does something or not, you’ll be there at his disposal, as a reward (as his salary at the end of the month).
If he doesn’t call you, you call him. If he doesn’t send you a “hello”, you do it for him. If he doesn’t find something to do on the weekends, you schedule a trip and include him in your plans. Do you recognize this in you?
Can you see the similarities between the first case and these things?
QUESTION: In this case, why would he give you the best he has, if his “reward” will come anyway?
Quite the opposite, my friend: As he realizes that the reward will come anyway, he’ll do less and less… This is the Least Effort Law, a natural “law” that is present in any living being. I mean, is he alive? If he is, then it applies to him (haha).
What happens, my friend, is that he stops doing one little thing here, another there, and you start to despair. You start filling the blanks that he leaves behind, and he leaves more blanks knowing that you’ll fill them, because you are desperate for anything that comes from him.
These excesses (that come from you) create an unbalance in your relationship, my friend. It is important for you to realize when your actions benefit him without any compensation.
You have to stop being foolish in hope that this behavior will make him do anything for you.
Think with me: If you’re doing all this and getting nothing in return, do you really think that doing more is the solution? No, no, and no! You have to focus on the “balance” and see how much you’re losing.
Now, think about the possibility of you just stopping with your messages. You spend a whole day without talking to him, or you say that you want to do another thing (a private one) when he asks you out, for example.
Then, out of the blue, you tell him that you’re doing something and would like him to come with you, or you just send him a loving text, without a reason and without asking for a response.
Notice, sweetheart, that now you’re acting like the second case: your REINFORCEMENT to him comes randomly, and not necessarily in relation to what he does to you (a message, a call, an invitation).
By acting this way, my friend, you can be sure that you’ll drive him crazy (in a good way). He’ll be confused to the point where, as the salesperson, he’ll start “producing” more, thinking that, at any moment (not determined), he’ll luck out and have your attention, just like the salesperson that wants to close THAT deal.
This is obvious: No one wants to lose grip on a situation. By making him lose control, you’ll generate in him a drive to take it back. Everyone likes to be in control, simply because unpredictability generates anxiety and, in consequence, loss of mental power.
That’s why people love a routine, and why people need to make everything settle down. It’s like putting a train back on its rails.
The human being is an accumulator by nature.
Which means, my friend, that we tend to settle things down in order to have more energy to look for new challenges. Because, unlike common, non-rational animals, we look to the future and, in fear of the possibility of lacking something, we do everything to stock things up: food, objects, people…
Imagine, my friend, that you’ve just started a new project. Cool, right? Now, imagine that you’ve just started ten new projects… Can you do it all at once? Yeah…
Keeping things on their place and under control is a necessity, because stability is the only thing capable of keeping our focus on the things that require our attention. Imagine if you had problems at work, with your relationship, your social life, your health… Imagine the chaos!
In a relationship, even if there’s some turbulence at the start, you can see that, naturally, you both will do everything you can to create a routine in your relationship (when you’ll go out, how often you’ll call each other, etc.). In the end, be sure that, if he’s too peaceful, YOU’ll be out of your mind.
Learn to play the game, my friend, and the “victim” place will be nothing more than an empty chair waiting to be sat on… And if one of you has to sit on it, let it be him. Believe me. If you use the lesson that I’ve taught you here, there’s no way it can go wrong, unless he really doesn’t like you. On the contrary:
At some point, sweetheart, he’ll get mad, he might even say that you’re crazy and that you don’t know what you want… RESIST, this is a good sign that he’s pissed because he sees that he’s completely lost control of the situation…
On the other hand, unconsciously he’ll do everything he can to take control back on his hands. Because, as I said, settling in is part of a natural law.
The question is: HOW you’re going to use this knowledge the best way possible… And, to know more about how to CONTROL men using this failproof technique (tested and approved by me), my friend, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW, and stop wasting your time thinking that a relationship is built simply based on your feelings for each other.
Yes, feeling is at the heart of it, but it’s not everything. It’s like having several skillful people working on a project without a leader, or without a good manager to direct and instruct everyone to achieve goals related to the project.
Do you want to learn more about it? It’s a lot, and I can’t include everything in here, my friend.
And, if you don’t know me yet, my beautiful friend, my name is Vanessa de Oliveira, I’ve been studying the human behavior in relationships for years, and, as an authority in relationships, I want to teach you, as I’ve already taught thousands of women, how to know yourself so that you can evolve in several areas of your personal life, your social life, your professional life, your love life, and so on…
I’m sure that, when you learn the lessons I teach in my courses, you’ll come out as a truly powerful woman, because they are the result of years and years of dedication and study, helping thousands of women who are in the same situation as you (and many others as well). The testimonials speak for themselves. Check it out:
These are just some of the thousands of testimonials I receive daily, my friend. And they don’t stop coming. I believe that, as an intelligent woman, if you got to here, you certainly are willing and want to go much further, don’t you?
We’re talking about behavioral structures, and, to reach this knowledge, my friend, all you have to do is follow my instructions and be open to learn more about yourself and about men. Everything is going to happen even without you noticing it… When you see it, you’re already there…
My friend… Besides learning about The Power of Unshakable Self-esteem that a woman can reach when she really decides to be powerful and confident, you’ll learn seduction techniques in ‘Be Seductive Above All Else’, a module that will show you how to use your power to captivate and reconquer men. By the end, my friend, you’ll be ready, and you’ll know everything about seduction techniques and how to make him take interest in and fall in love with you once again.
Self-knowledge, self-love, and self-esteem, sweetheart, have everything to do with our ability to attract, seduce, and captivate people. These are completely intertwined, and that’s exactly what I want to show you, my friend. And I guarantee: You’ll be amazed by your evolution in a short period of time.
And speaking about time… Every minute that you let go by is another minute when you could be developing yourself and learning through the practical exercises that I present in my classes.
Now, the best part – since this is the topic of this text – is what you’ll find in the module: How to Be a Goddess… In this module, you’ll learn how to be a well-resolved woman in bed and, of course, out of it too, learning everything about sex and the importance of this powerful energy in your life: LIBIDO!
You’ll learn how to become a Woman of Steel, capable of putting your love and sex life BACK ON TRACK, sweetheart. So, let’s go?
I’m waiting for you, my friend.
Much love to you
Vanessa de Oliveira.