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What I’m about to tell you may sound funny, but there’s a way to make you stop thinking about your ex all the time. If you do it right, I’m sure that you’ll be over him in a heartbeat. What you have to do, as weird as it may seem, is to use the same strategy that you used to fall in love with him way back, when you met each other. Do you remember? Are you curious? Come with me, then!

Let’s see what happens during the attraction phase. When you meet each other:

  1. Does he draw your attention for any reason? Perhaps it’s his way of talking, of behaving, or even the way he looks.
  2. When you two have that first contact, he’ll throw all his charm over you, he’ll seduce you. Think about it, sweetheart: What is that charm? What seduced you in the way he behaves? Was it something he said? Did he present himself in an attractive way? Was it the way he spoke? Was it the way he behaved? Was it his style?
  3. At some point, you two had sex. Do you remember how he was in bed? Every man has something specific, right? How was he? Hold that image.

As you see, my friend, during the attraction, when falling in love, there is a step-by-step which makes you think about him all the time and fall in love with him.

The human being is pragmatic and predictable, which means that this process happens universally in the same way for everyone since the dawn of time, and it will be like this forever.

Ok, but… What do I mean by this? I mean that, if there’s a strategy to fall in love, then there’s an antidote, another strategy to do exactly the opposite: to fall out of love.

Here, I’ll teach you only one of the failproof techniques to stop suffering for a man who doesn’t serve you anymore, my friend. If you want to dive in and learn more, click here to become my student.

Otherwise, there’s no use in complaining, suffering, and not moving forward, thinking that ‘I’ll never fall in love again’, bla bla bla… If you want to change, you have to do something different from what you’re used to, my friend; and I can show you the way. Let’s understand it better…

A friend of mine, who’s a psychologist, told be about a technique used in Behavioral Psychology called Conditioned Reflex. To summarize, my friend, in our daily lives, we end up associating things, creating what is called a pairing.

Think of that song that, when you listen to, you remember him or some moment that you lived together. It happens, doesn’t it? Well, it happens because, certainly, you listened to that song while living those moments. Am I right?

The effect, sweetheart, is that the song, which was neutral to you, ended up being PAIRED to your moments together. Then, when you listen to that damn song again, even if you don’t want it, you’ll get sad, because it’ll remind you of him. Isn’t that so?

We’re getting warm, huh?

Question: Do you remember what you were doing on September 11, 2001? You probably have lots of memories from that day, because something important happened on that day and it caught you, and everyone else, by surprise. Right?

That’s called “neuro-association”, my friend. To understand Conditioned Reflex, which will be the technique you’re going to use to stop suffering because of him, you must understand how neuro-association works. Neuro-association is everything that makes us remember something else, memories associated to some kind of emotion which make our brain activate a memory of a moment.

So, what does that mean? It means that you’ll remember and feel that pain in every stimuli that make you remember him, my friend. So, think of the environment in which you live and about everything that you keep seeing daily that make you remember him all the time.

Of course, if everything in your environment makes you remember him, you’ll suffer all the time

So, my friend, the first thing to do is to CHANGE your environment. Start going to new places, rearrange your furniture (if you lived together), change your friends one by one (if you had friends in common), and so on.

This is just the beginning for you to, at least, stop suffering so much: Avoid neuro-associations, everything that can make you think of him.

Then, my friend, Step 2 is to work of the Conditioned Reflex technique, which is to take some situations (moments), objects (visual stimuli), or songs (sound stimuli) that remind you of him and make new associations.

Like this: When you are with a group of friends doing something fun, you play that song. Yes, sweetheart, the song that used to make you sad and make you remember him. Then, you let nature take its course.

What happens is that you’re creating a new path in your brain for that song. You’re associating that same song with a different and more pleasant moment.

It’s important for you to practice that, my friend. Just as you’ve insisted for that song to make you think of him, for example, you must insist for it to be associated to something new. And you’ll do this with everything, sweetheart: With the places you went to, the songs you heard, the things you shared… Do you understand?

During this first step, it’s important to dissociate everything that makes you think of him, so that you stop suffering. To do that, understanding the concept of neuro-association – how your brain connected the two things – and actively using the same strategy to neutralize these stimuli is already a great start, my friend.

But, as I said, it is only the beginning.

Do you want to learn more about it? It’s a lot, and I can’t include everything in here, my friend.

And, if you don’t know me yet, my beautiful friend, my name is Vanessa de Oliveira, I’ve been studying the human behavior in relationships for years, and, as an authority in relationships, I want to teach you, as I’ve already taught thousands of women, how to know yourself so that you can evolve in several areas of your personal life, your social life, your professional life, your love life, and so on…

I’m sure that, when you learn the lessons I teach in my courses, you’ll come out as a truly powerful woman, because they are the result of years and years of dedication and study, helping thousands of women who are in the same situation as you (and many others as well). The testimonials speak for themselves. Check it out:




These are just some of the thousands of testimonials I receive daily, my friend. And they don’t stop coming. I believe that, as an intelligent woman, if you got to here, you certainly are willing and want to go much further, don’t you?

We’re talking about behavioral structures, and, to reach this knowledge, my friend, all you have to do is follow my instructions and be open to learn more about yourself and about men. Everything is going to happen even without you noticing it… When you see it, you’re already there…

My friend… Besides learning about The Power of Unshakable Self-esteem that a woman can reach when she really decides to be powerful and confident, you’ll learn seduction techniques in ‘Be Seductive Above All Else’, a module that will show you how to use your power to captivate and reconquer men. By the end, my friend, you’ll be ready, and you’ll know everything about seduction techniques and how to make him take interest in and fall in love with you once again.

Self-knowledge, self-love, and self-esteem, sweetheart, have everything to do with our ability to attract, seduce, and captivate people. These are completely intertwined, and that’s exactly what I want to show you, my friend. And I guarantee: You’ll be amazed by your evolution in a short period of time.

And speaking about time… Every minute that you let go by is another minute when you could be developing yourself and learning through the practical exercises that I present in my classes.

Now, the best part – since this is the topic of this text – is what you’ll find in the module: How to Be a Goddess… In this module, you’ll learn how to be a well-resolved woman in bed and, of course, out of it too, learning everything about sex and the importance of this powerful energy in your life: LIBIDO!

You’ll learn how to become a Woman of Steel, capable of putting your love and sex life BACK ON TRACK, sweetheart. So, let’s go?

I’m waiting for you, my friend.

Much love to you

Vanessa de Oliveira.