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One thing that I’ve learned in my life, my friend, – besides the art of seduction and conquest, of course! – was how to use emotion in my favor. If you’re in a bad spot due to a breakup – for example, if the guy you dated has replaced you – and if your friends are in a better financial situation, etc.… Don’t be discouraged. Learn to use this emotional energy in your favor.

Because, sweetheart, in the end, emotion is like a fuel that drives us forward, even the unpleasant ones. Did you know that?

How many women transform themselves after a breakup? They get prettier, they invest more in themselves… Everything to get back at him?

Do you remember those Van Damme movies in the 80’s and 90’s (boys’ movies), when he used his desire for revenge to get the strength and discipline needed to become a better fighter and kick everyone’s ass? Yeah…

That’s because it’s better to feel a negative emotion than to feel nothing at all, my friend. It doesn’t matter what kind of emotion you’re feeling, the most important is how you’re going to use this energy, which can be used for whatever you want.

For example: You can be pissed with a betrayal and use all of your anger to go out with other guys and get to him. Or, you can use the same energy to work on yourself and find a worthy man that is way better than your ex.

The opposite of love isn’t hate, my friend. It’s indifference. Remember that.

Now, I imagine you might be wondering HOW to use this strength, this energy, towards something good for you, instead of acting recklessly and hit on everything that walks, hoping to find a good one.

My friend, when you turn on the light in your room, it only needs about 110 Watts to light up. Now, the interesting part: If you take the same energy required to light up the lamp, those same 110 Watts, and use it on a laser… My friend, this laser will have enough energy to cut through STEEL. Did you know that?

Well, this is what I suggest you do. I’ve been doing this to thousands of women, and it works so much that the number of women who contact me wanting to take one of my courses and become my students grows every day.

How about taking a step forward and finding out for yourself, huh? All you need to do is to CLICK on this link, and you’ll be taking a gigantic step towards your own transformation, my friend. Try it out…

My friend, when a man feels that you don’t care for him anymore, he gets pissed. So, being patient and investing your energy on a new relationship will be much better than getting hurt thinking that, by going out with other guys, you’ll get to him, for example. Don’t fall for that, because you’ll only punish yourself one more time by going out with someone you don’t want, just to “punish him”.

Let’s think a little and do better than that?

I saw this amazing saying in a movie once. I don’t remember which movie… Oh, I think it was “The Shawshank Redemption”. It said:

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

One of the characters says it at a certain moment, in a dialogue between two friends who are in jail for a long time, without any chance of getting out. Anyway, as one of them complains about their condition, the other turns to him and says this.

All that because this guy, the one who said it, had a plan, and he was putting all his time and energy into finding a way out of that situation.

I highly suggest that you watch The Shawshank Redemption, because it has everything to do with what we’ll discuss here.

Many people, my friend, when they go through a tough situation that lay waste to everything they value, they end up losing their ground to a point where they can’t get up anymore.

The thing is: They have no idea of how much strength they can get from moments like that. On the other hand, some people can only reach success and fulfillment because they finally reached rock bottom, and that’s what I’m talking about here.

Have you ever noticed, sweetheart, that most of the people who travel the world with motivational talks or self-help books have a sad story, followed by triumph? This tale of overcoming is called the Hero’s Journey… That’s what gives sense to what they’re doing at that moment, on that stage, occupying that position.

I couldn’t be here if I hadn’t been through a lot. But, unlike many people who let themselves be down, I used these situations to develop myself, to get back on top.

My friend, your emotions are capable of generating an enormous amount of energy, and when you realize that and learn how to direct this energy, the stronger the frustration, disappointment, anger, or sadness, the more fuel you’ll have to do whatever you want.

The problem is that some people let themselves go and become paralyzed… Then, my friend, all of that potential energy goes down the drain and becomes failure. The person wears the mantle of defeat and make it their first skin.

Never, never, never, my friend. Don’t do that to yourself, ever!

I remember that, when I was a kid, a friend of mine hated organizing her room. It was always a mess. But, curiously, whenever she argued with her mother, she spent hours in there in anger, organizing every little thing in her room. She said it was a way of not fighting with her mother even more.

How interesting, she focused her anger into energy to organize her room. In the end, she did two great things: She avoided lashing out on her mother and organized her room, along with her ideas.

Of course, this is one simple example that crossed my mind, but I can tell you about a few women, my students, who transformed the end of a relationship, their feeling of abandonment, into energy to become powerful women.

I can only think of the saying:

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

My friend, this may seem a bit cliché, but it works exactly like that.

In one of the many cases I know, a guy broke up with a woman because he cheated on her with half of the city, and even blamed her, saying that he broke up with her because she wasn’t interesting, and was too clingy.

Of course that’s BS, but it got to her so much that she decided to study like crazy. The last time I talked to her, she had taken her postdoc and had been hired by an American company. I don’t even have to say that, since she was already beautiful as a girl, as the years went by… OMG!! She got better in every way!

In the end, who came back crawling a few years later? Yes, the jerk that had dumped her.

I know this happens a lot, and I know many stories with the same situation, but I like this one in particular because it shows that:

It doesn’t matter what other people do to you, what matters is how YOU deal with the situation.

I mean, my friend, that the place of a victim is occupied only by someone who wants to be there. We’re all capable of using our own pain to develop ourselves. You only have to want it.

I’m saying this, my friend, because my own life already took many turns. I know that my life could be over if I had let myself be dragged down, and this is the experience that I want to share with you.

In case you don’t know me yet, I, Vanessa de Oliveira, have been guiding and teaching women for years, through several courses about the art of attraction, seduction, and conquest, in summary. I teach about pompoir, coquetry, behavior techniques that cause a direct effect on his mind, allowing you to influence him into doing whatever you want.

Of course, what I teach my students goes way beyond relationships. It is a knowledge that will help you know and develop yourself better in several areas of your personal life, your social life, your professional life, your love life, and so on…

I’m sure that, when you learn the lessons I teach in my courses, you’ll come out as a much more powerful woman. They are the result of years and years of dedication, helping thousands of women, and the testimonials speak for themselves. Check it out:




These are just some of the thousands of testimonials I receive daily, my friend. And they don’t stop coming. I believe that, as an intelligent woman, if you got to here, you certainly are willing and want to go much further, don’t you?

And, if you think that there’s some sort of “magic” here, there isn’t. I’ve been improving my techniques and guiding women so that they can develop the techniques in themselves. Just that.

We’re talking about behavioral structures, and, to reach this knowledge, my friend, all you have to do is follow my instructions and be open to learn more about yourself and about men. Everything is going to happen even without you noticing it… When you see it, you’re already there…

There are two forces that guide every living thing, my friend: PROCREATION and PRESERVATION, which are converted into DESIRE and FEAR.

Learn how to use these forces to influence men, and you can be sure that everything that drives men is related directly to this force of desire. Over the years, I’ve been diving deep into the study of human relationships, and, as a result, I’ve created courses that will really help you to become a better woman in every sense of the word. See, for example, what I’ve got prepared for you in the course Magnetic Woman: 30 days to transform your life:

Module 01 – The Power of Unshakeable Self-esteem

In Module 01, you’ll have access to the first pillar: When a woman really decides to be powerful and confident. We’ll work on your self-esteem.

Module 02 – Be Seductive Above All Else

In Module 02, you’ll learn how to use your power to captivate and reconquer men. By the end, you’ll be ready, and you’ll know everything about seduction techniques and how to make men take interest in and fall in love with you!

Module 03 – How to Be a Goddess

In Module 03, you’ll learn how to be a well-resolved woman in bed, learning everything about sex and the importance of this powerful energy in your life!

You’ll learn how to become a Woman of Steel, capable of putting your love and sex life back on track. Is this what you want?

This is the perfect step-by-step to awaken the Powerful Woman you have inside of you, and to make any man fall in love with the woman you truly are, and not by a part of who you are, which can happen when you don’t let out the best in you.

See you later, my friend. I hope this was helpful for you.

Move away from common sense, and enter the world of the powerful women who know the love alchemy.

I’m waiting for you! Much love to you.

Vanessa de Oliveira.