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Pay attention to this, my friend: Imagine if a salesperson kept calling you all the time, trying to sell you her product… How would you feel? If you had an interest for this product, you would buy it quickly, wouldn’t you? Now, follow my line of thought: Would her insistence really make you change your mind and start wanting a product that, in fact, doesn’t interest you at all?

Well, my friend… In relationships, selling techniques also come into play. When a product is too “accessible”, it means that no one really wants it… Am I wrong?

A good salesperson knows how to value their product, and that’s why they play with scarceness… Have you ever noticed that? ‘We don’t have that color available right now… Wait a second… We happen to have only one unit in stock… Take it or leave it’.

It is very important that you know how to play with scarceness. I mean, let him chase after you a little, too, and not only when he “needs” you.

You’ll understand how much you mean to him when HE starts to insist and require your attention, and not the opposite.

Naturally, we want to know all about the people that interest us. But, if he doesn’t care for you, or if he only calls you out on the last minute, sweetheart, it means that he’s making you his spare girl… You know… When he can’t get anyone else, then he calls you, because he knows that you’ll say yes.

That’s terrible, my friend! When this starts to happen, it is important that you change it as soon as possible.

And, before we go any further, know that this is not only a tip that I made up. Far from it… Several studies, some of which are even used in sales courses, say that it is the desire that encourages people to buy, not just the product itself.

In this case, talking about relationships, it is ESSENTIAL that you think about COMPENSATION: you don’t give him anything “for free”. Remember, no one develops feelings for anyone through insistence, sweetheart. On the contrary, the man will only pity you as you begin to show him your neediness.

Get out, my friend. When you act like that and people ignore you, the first thing to take a hit is your self-esteemSelf-esteem is like a shield that protects you, a shield for your ego. Once your self-esteem starts to decline, that’s when your self-love becomes compromised.

And it’s all down hill from there. You can find hope in thinking that protecting yourself depends only in yourself, my friend. And that’s why I’m writing this text, to help you avoid reaching this abominable state.

‘But… Van… What if I stop insisting and lose him for good?’… Do I really need to say that, in this case, he wasn’t interested in you at all? Let him go, my friend… Men are extremely territorial, and a man will never neglect something of importance to him.

More than that: While you invest your time calling him, texting him, emailing him, buying him gifts, etc., he saves the time he could be doing all that to you, if you were really important to him.

So, my friend, wake up: If he doesn’t invest his time in you, that’s because he’s not interested, and therefore you need to protect your dignity and let him go. Clean the score and start a new match, but this time use the knowledge that I’m giving you and learn how to be a VALUABLE WOMAN.

And, if you don’t know me yet, my beautiful friend, my name is Vanessa de Oliveira, I’ve been studying the human behavior in relationships for years, and, as an authority in relationships, I want to teach you, as I’ve already taught thousands of women, how to know yourself so that you can evolve in several areas of your personal life, your social life, your professional life, your love life, and so on…

I’m sure that, when you learn the lessons I teach in my courses, you’ll come out as a truly powerful woman, because they are the result of years and years of dedication and study, helping thousands of women who are in the same situation as you (and many others as well). The testimonials speak for themselves. Check it out:


These are just some of the thousands of testimonials I receive daily, my friend. And they don’t stop coming. I believe that, as an intelligent woman, if you got to here, you certainly are willing and want to go much further, don’t you?

We’re talking about behavioral structures, and, to reach this knowledge, my friend, all you have to do is follow my instructions and be open to learn more about yourself and about men. Everything is going to happen even without you noticing it… When you see it, you’re already there…

My friend… Besides learning about The Power of Unshakable Self-esteem that a woman can reach when she really decides to be powerful and confident, you’ll learn seduction techniques in ‘Be Seductive Above All Else’, a module that will show you how to use your power to captivate and reconquer men. By the end, my friend, you’ll be ready, and you’ll know everything about seduction techniques and how to make him take interest in and fall in love with you once again.

Self-knowledge, self-love, and self-esteem, sweetheart, have everything to do with our ability to attract, seduce, and captivate people. These are completely intertwined, and that’s exactly what I want to show you, my friend. And I guarantee: You’ll be amazed by your evolution in a short period of time.

And speaking about time… Every minute that you let go by is another minute when you could be developing yourself and learning through the practical exercises that I present in my classes.

Now, the best part – since this is the topic of this text – is what you’ll find in the module: How to Be a Goddess… In this module, you’ll learn how to be a well-resolved woman in bed and, of course, out of it too, learning everything about sex and the importance of this powerful energy in your life: LIBIDO!

You’ll learn how to become a Woman of Steel, capable of putting your love and sex life BACK ON TRACK, sweetheart. So, let’s go?

I’m waiting for you, my friend.

Much love to you

Vanessa de Oliveira.